Nunnery wood high school 10
Ethics & Philosophy
  • Art & Design
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  • English
  • Economics
  • Ethics & Philosophy
  • Food, Care and Vocational
  • Geography
  • History
  • Library
  • Mathematics
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  • Modern Foreign Languages
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  • STEM

Ethics & Philosophy


At Nunnery Wood High School, we value the impact that Ethics and Philosophy can have on all students not just academically but as they enter the wider world. It is for this reason that Ethics and Philosophy is a core subject studied by all students until the end of year 11. As a department and a school body we believe that it is essential for students to have a greater understanding of the world and its people beyond that of Worcester and the UK and to recognise the individual’s role and impact in their community. Through this subject we are able to celebrate diversity, make comparisons with other communities and help students to understand the importance of tolerance towards others, especially when our views do not align.

The curriculum is designed so that students are exposed to a wide range of religions and world views and introduces students to the complexities of ethical decision making and philosophical thought. Through the range of topics covered students should not only experience a knowledge rich curriculum but also develop vital skills for the many avenues they may move on to. The subject provides countless opportunities for debate, discussion and to develop written arguments, all of which are vital for many work environments and in students’ personal lives. We want to empower students to start to form their own views on controversial topics rather than following the crowd, we encourage students to ask questions and strive to discover more.

At KS3 we aim to introduce students to a wide range of religious views and world views, we aim to also help them connect the impact that religion has had on society for millennia and how the modern world continues to be impacted by religious beliefs. We take the opportunity to guide students through some of the most well-known philosophical theories as well as some contested ethical debates. At KS4 we focus on two religions in detail and four thematic options which allow us to connect religious beliefs to topics which are part of the 21st century. Helping students to recognise the wide range of views that exist and why. The curriculum is designed with all students in mind and differentiated to ensure that all can access the material covered. The setting of groups enables teachers to plan to meet the needs of all students and to vary material covered when appropriate. The course material and structure of lessons allows frequent opportunities to practice oracy skills and also cover topics that link to SMSC content.

There are opportunities for students to apply the skills they have learnt in class through extra-curricular clubs. As a team we run a popular debate club and enter the mock trial competition. The mock trial competition gives students to the chance to explore an area of the world of work where their skills from Ethics and Philosophy could be applied. As a team we try to link the work and skills covered in lessons and extracurricular events back to careers and further study. We liaise with local 6th form providers to share opportunities that are available within Worcester.

The department is made up of enthusiastic and driven leaders and excellent teachers who are constantly looking for new opportunities within the classroom. The teams is united in its vision to provide students with a safe space to share their ideas, and opportunities to reflect on big questions and current issues which will affect all people during their lifetime. We want students to question the world around them and we equip them with the skills to do so.



Staffing Structure
Curriculum Leader: Mrs E Budge
Phone: 01905 363652

Team Structure
Curriculum Leader
Assistant Curriculum Leader
3 Part time teacher
1 non specialist teacher


Curriculum Facilities

There is specialist housing for this subject that contains excellent ICT facilities access to shared iPad and laptops. The subject also owns a good selection of religious artefacts that support learning inside and outside the classroom.