Nunnery wood high school 4
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Trust Board

Headteacher:  Mr S Powell

Nunnery Wood High School
Spetchley Road


What do Nunnery’s Trustees do?

The purpose of the Trust Board is to ensure that Nunnery Wood provides a high quality of education for its students in a positive and supportive learning environment.   We aim to act as ‘critical friends’ to the Headteacher and SLT.

There are three core strands:

  • Consideration of the strategic direction for the school
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its’ students
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that the money available to the school is well-spent.

So, Trustees do not run the school, but they are responsible for ensuring that it is run well by the Headteacher and staff.

Who are Nunnery’s Trustees?

The Trust Board is made up of up to 21 Trustees, including the Head Teacher, Staff Trustees, Parent Trustees, and some “Other” Trustees who have been co-opted by the Trust Board”. Some of these “Other Trustees” have been parents of students who have completed their time at Nunnery Wood. We aim to keep a mix of different skills and interests on the Trust Board; Trustees have experience from a variety of different professions, industries and sectors – see Trustees’ Register of Interests and Background.

How are they organised?

The Trust Board meet 4 times a year:  in September (including a focus on exam results), December (including a focus on the financial accounts) and once in each of the spring and summer terms.

In addition, there are 4 main committees of the Trustees.  Each of these committees meets at least once a term.

Student and Standards Committee: meets 3 times per annum to look at educational performance, ensure the school provides a safe and secure environment, and to ensure that the school is proactive in students’ moral and social development.

Students and Standards Committee ToR Approved 021224

Premises, Finance, Audit and Risk Committee: meets 6 times per annum to consider Finance, Audit and Risk matters.

Premises, Finance, Audit & Risk Committee ToR Approved 021224

Staff, Pay and Performance Management Committee: meets at least once per annum to consider Staff, Pay and Performance Management matters.

Staff, Pay & Performance Management Committee ToR Approved 021224

Other committees would meet if necessary e.g. considering the exclusion of a student; disciplinary or grievance appeals in relation to staff; consideration of complaints

Most Trustees also have a ‘link’ to a key aspect of the school such as SEN or safeguarding and are responsible for liaising with senior staff regarding the implementation of policies and procedures.

Link Trustees


Further Information

For further information regarding the Trust Board, including Trustees Terms of Office and Attendance Records, please see the Other Key Documents section below.

Copies of the Approved Minutes of NWHS Trust Board Meetings are available from the NWHS Governance Professional upon request.


Other Key Documents

Governance Handbook 2024-25

NWHS Attendance Registers 2023-24

Members & Trustees Register of Interests 2023 - 2024

Trustees Terms of Office

NWHS Scheme of Delegation

Committee Structure

Members & Trustees

NWHS Trust Board Diversity Information

Trustee Code of Conduct